Visual Narrative #006 – Niut – Part 3 of 4


VN#006: Part 3 of 4:

A Photographic Adventure to the Niut Mountains

Part 3 of 4:       Our campsite was surrounded with colour

The tarn images in this series compared to those in Part 1, show that I have changed my perspective. By moving back from the tarns shoreline, a broader perspective conveys a different storyline. Instead of making images of the tarns, I made images about the tarns.

Colour, also became more dominant. The colours of volcanic minerals, glaciated tarns, scree slopes, algae, streams, and alpine flowers captured my attention throughout the day. The cool colours of blue and green which are dominant here, are said to invoke a calming effect; even reduce blood pressure and appetite. I know I slept well here in the Niut Mountains; maybe the colours that surrounded our camp had a sedating effect!

This Outflow stream will soon dry up as the tiny remnant glacier above, melts and disappears within a year or two.
This entire  landscape will dramatically change.

The glacial silt carried by this stream will soon lie suspended in this alpine tarn. When light reflects off
these floating particles, the tarn displays this beautiful colour of turquoise.

Trapped in an eddy, a beautiful green algae contrasts with the granite blue and mineralized orange.

In the following three images, I have abstracted the elements which make up the big-picture landscapes of Part 1 of this series.

With intention, the divisions of space in the above and following image changes the emphasis of
both captures. The creative decisions regarding shape, colour, and texture are of primary importance.

When our helicopter first landed beside these two small tarns, I had an immediate, yet limited sense of place. After four days of exploring compositional elements from different perspectives, I had broadened my understanding and attained a more meaningful essence of place.