Three portfolios exemplify the three major styles of Chris’ photographic expression; Representational, Expressionist, and Abstract. As Chris moves along his continuum of expression, from Representational to Abstract, his images speak more about the imitation of imagination than the imitation of reality.
You can view these portfolios at /portfolio/

Each exhibition is a retrospective that takes you deeper into the work of decades. Each, along with its narrative, represents a body of work about a particular area, subject, or idea; they generate a sense and value of place. They preserve a moment in time; an historical and educational resource for future reference.
You can view these exhibitions at /exhibition/

Books: Each of the 12 books published on the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region of central British Columbia were created to generate a sense and value of place, and to ignite a new ethic to inspire a return to the sacred connection between ourselves and our Earthly home. To view these book publications, visit /shop/
Newsletters have been the means by which Chris has been connecting with a large audience since 2005. Here you will find new work, recent adventures, upcoming events, and inspiration for the creative photographic process. They are published bi-monthly. Subscribe or view at /newsletter/
Visual Narratives invite viewers to see the world as a sacred landscape; as an emotional response; as an artistic philosophy; or as a creative expression. They are told through short image sequences of up to six images along with accompanying text. Subscribe or view at /visual-narratives/