Visual Narrative #008 – Montreal Metro


VN #008: Montreal Metro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      published September 24, 2023


Photographic Expressions While Travelling the Montreal Metro

I’m excited to be returning to Montreal in two days to teach a 6-day photographic workshop followed by a 3-week photographic arts residency. During this time I will be following the advise of Irish painter Tony O’Malley when he said “Never be swayed by anything but your own work and vision”. This means I will not be documenting Montreal as a place, but rather, I will be photographing Montreal as an experience. This requires one’s camera and lenses, one’s imagination, and one’s heart.

Photographing myself photographing in a Metro station

Each Metro station is a unique architectural delight.

Metro station; looking downward

Metro station; looking upward

Metro station; architectural abstract

Metro station; on the move

Every metro station offers an opportunity to showcase Montrealer’s on the go. It’s the most efficient subway system I have ever experienced and when I travel in Montreal I go everywhere by Metro.