Visual Narrative #046: Bowron River Marsh – Part II


VN #046: Bowron River Marsh – Part II
Posted October 20, 2024


Bowron River Marsh. Part II

Continuing on from Visual Narrative #045, posted on October 13, 2024, here are a few photographs which I made while guiding tours around the Bowron Lake canoe circuit.

Moose in the marsh.

Over the many times I have been in the vicinity of this marsh, one morning stands out; I saw 34 moose!

It was always a thrill for clients to photograph wildlife from the safety of a guided tour

On misty early mornings, wildlife could appear at any moment. With our cameras, we were always ready.

While silently drifting, a sandhill crane peered over the marsh grasses to check us out. We said ‘good morning’ and quietly passed on by.

Beaver are very busy in the early morning, often swimming right beside our canoes.

By using silent paddle strokes, and not talking, our presence was often a surprise to both wildlife and birdlife. On this particular morning, while enjoying a time of quietude with my friend Mike, a Common loon reacted to seeing us by exploding past our canoe propelled by its feet and wings upon the water. It shocked us as much as it shocked the loon!


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