Visual Narrative #043 – Fraser River Canyon Expedition. Part I

VN #043: Fraser River Canyon Expedition. Part I
Posted Sept.29, 2024


Fraser River Canyon Expedition. Part I

In August 2012 I ran a photographic expedition down the Fraser River Canyon, guided by Douglas Green of Jet Boat River Tours. Doug knows the river intimately, so it was a rare opportunity for our group of photographers.

From south of Quesnel to Lillooet we explored a few hundred kilometers of the river’s spectacular canyonlands; areas otherwise inaccessible for viewing.

Every evening, we camped on beautiful sandy beaches which one would never have expected in the canyonlands. Each was isolated, and under the silence of clear starlit skies, offered endless photographic opportunities.

For those who have only viewed snippets of the canyon from the highway above, the perspective of viewing canyonland features from the river below was extraordinary.

A monument to time

Features rarely seen or photographed

Towering canyon walls

The view from my tent was a geological story known only to the salmon which have travelled this river since the last ice age.


Part II of this Fraser River Canyon photographic expedition will be published next week.



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