VN #018: Trees of Walker Valley
Posted February 11, 2024
Trees of Walker Valley
Morning mist
Nearby where I live is ranch land that contains stands of different trees and bushes, a marsh, a small lake, and finally a small creek that becomes the San Jose River. This meandering river winds its way north 75 km to Williams Lake before descending toward the Fraser River. From there the swampy water from Walker Valley flows south and west to the great Salish Sea off the British Columbia coast.
It is easy to walk through Walker Valley and see it as a viewscape of cattle trails and trodden grasslands. Within that viewscape, however, is untold beauty; the beauty of both reality and the imagination.
Tree remnant in the marsh
A tree shaped by cows
The tree in the above composition is one of my very favourites. During inclement weather, cows huddle beneath it; rubbing the trunk, nibbling on the leaves, and creating their own art installation.
A viewscape of the imagination
This foreground trail ends in a reality much different from what you see in the photograph. My approach to photography is to spontaneously explore reality with my camera. My final reward is the joy of embracing whatever emerges.
Textured hoarfrost I
Textured hoarfrost II
The above two images visually describe the textures created by light at two different moments in time.
Note: I will be away for 8 weeks and may or may not be able to post visual narratives during this time. I’ll be back!
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