VN #013: My Morning Walk
Posted January 7, 2024
My Morning Walk
Two days ago, I woke up to discover a fresh dusting of snow covering the garden. Feeling excited, I dressed warmly, picked up my camera, and headed out for a walk. The silence, and the beauty of ‘white’ was exhilarating.
A mere 100 metres down the road, I stopped to look across a small lake; the rhythmic patterns of snow-covered fir trees caught my thoughts. They were beautiful.
Hall Lake Nature Conservancy
Initially I made a documentary image of my viewscape. ‘Now what?’, I thought to myself. I soon realized that, if I was going to continue shooting, I would need to delve into the potentiality of photographic expression.
I began to explore, and, as is usually the case, the results were encouraging, inspiring, and often unforeseen.
Within 30 minutes, the small fir forest which I see many times a day, had become a number of new realities. Creative expression and the journey of discovery had given substance to my day.
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