53 Replies to “Newsletter # 145, 2017”

  1. Rosemary Neads says: Reply

    You always deliver, Chris, but it must have been especially difficult to get into this assignment without being completely overwhelmed by emotion. As always, your images are wonderful, expressing the reality and the abstract in perfect harmony.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. It was a privilege to do this work.

  2. Susan Williams says: Reply

    Chris, this is so moving I am teary. Thank-you for sharing.
    Susan Williams (Dennis Ducklows sister)

    1. Hi Susan. Thank you for commenting. As always I look forward to teaching with your brother in a few days.

  3. Dorothy Friesen says: Reply

    Wow! Just devastating.

    1. Thanks for commenting.

  4. Well done Chris …. I would have found that assignment rather overwhelming!

    1. Thank you Larry. I just felt privileged.

  5. chris czajkowski says: Reply

    This is so sad. I live in an area that has been under Evacuation Order for six weeks. I left at first, but am now home and staying here under lockdown – if I leave I will not be able to return and water my garden, and it will die. In an area where organic food is very hard to obtain, I rely heavily on my produce. When the winds rage and the pyrocumuli tower into the sky I have been terrified, ready to go in a moment. I still think my place will survive so have hung in there. Today I found several blackened leaves on the ground. I have no insurance – too expensive where there are no fire support systems. Your pictures bring home how easily I could lose everything.

    1. Hello Chris, I met you once and I wish to send you some positive energy and thoughts during these trying time. May your house and garden survive the current fires burning in BC. Stay safe and may the fires stay away from your. Love & Hugs … Jane Murray, Pine Hills Ranch, Sheridan Lake, BC.

      1. Thank you Jane…much appreciated.

  6. Lise St. Gelais James says: Reply


    1. Thank you Lise

  7. These are wonderful, yet terrifying, photos of the home I grew up in. So many memories ranging from family gatherings (Charity was married by moms bench) to just being a kid in the middle of the woods with endless possibilities of adventure. It was hard to take in at first when mom told me the house was gone. I had spoke to her on the phone the night before, making sure they were ok. Thank you for taking the time to make the story heard.

    1. Thank you Rick for sharing your memories. It was an honour to meet the family.

  8. Jacquie Kohanko says: Reply

    Nice job Chris. As a member of the Forman family ( John’s sister) I thank you

    1. Thank you Jacquie. I was honoured to do this and re-unite with John.

  9. Darlene Shewchuk says: Reply

    You did a great job of expressing this emotional time I give my love to John and Linda and hope the new place gives you happiness and love Darlene

    1. Thank you Darlene.

  10. Frank Lavelle says: Reply

    Everything can be distilled into the single image of the two women reacting to the devastation.

    1. Thanks Frank. I don’t often photograph people, but I am proud of that image for sure. It expresses exactly what I wanted to communicate. Such wonderful people.

  11. Thank you for sharing your talent and emotions, Chris. You, and we by extension, are blessed.

    1. Thank you Wendie.

  12. Christie Mayall says: Reply

    Wow, Chris. This summer has been a truly emotional journey for all of us, and your photographs are touch points for all that we feel.
    And how generous of the Foreman family to share their loss with you. It must have been an amazing privilege.

    1. It was a privilege indeed, a heartfelt one. Thanks.

  13. Wow truly amazing, beautiful and a heartfelt experience!

    1. Thank you Kathy; a meaningful experience indeed.

    2. chrisharrisphotos says: Reply

      Thank you Kathy. It was indeed a heartfelt experience.

  14. Outstanding photography. The devastation as well as the impermanence of “things” is so well captured. Glad to hear the family is adjusting so well. Thanks for sharing your work with us.

    1. Thank you Erin.

  15. You have used this unique opportunity to accomplish what few ever could. Beauty out of the ashes, that’s Biblical, there’s a Joyce Myers book about it, the // is reclaiming a life from abuse. Your images each tell vast amounts of story. I extend my immense respect and appreciation for your vision

  16. Reclaiming a life from abuse…I agree with Joyce Myers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  17. Thank you for your respect and your talent. An assignment well done! My sister lost her home in the fires at Riske Creek and I too am amazed at the resilience 💜

    1. I have traveled out that way and it is amazing to see what fire does. Some homes were spared by inches, and others not so lucky. Sorry about your sister. Thanks Sherril.

  18. Thank you for such a beautiful article about my sister and family’s home. It was hard to read without tears, but well-done… <3

    1. Your sister is a treasure. It was an honour. Thanks Earnie

  19. Reta M. Seibert says: Reply

    Thank you for sharing Chris , what must have been a very
    emotional & heart wrenching photo journey for you ……..
    well done as usual …👍👍❤️❤️😂😂🔥🔥…Reta Seibert

    1. Thank you kindly Reta.

  20. Dennis Ducklow says: Reply

    I love how, as a photographer, you enter into a project with so much more than your very capable photographer’s eyes. You also fully bring and are aware of your emotional side along with great respect for the subject. All of these combined give us such a strong story.

  21. chrisharrisphotos says: Reply

    Appreciated Dennis. The emotional side of this project could not be denied. It was powerful.

  22. Thank you Chris for sharing this experience. To share someones loss is a great gift. You have shared this experience with great compassion and have given us insight into the sadness of loss and how lucky we are not to be effected by the worst of the fires.

    1. The whole photographic experience was a gift. Thank you Jane.

  23. What a beautiful tribute to the family – your gift to them is priceless

    1. chrisharrisphotos says: Reply

      Thank you as always Joan.

      1. Thank you Joan.

  24. Bill De Meester says: Reply

    Very, well done Chris,being a car buff I feel for the owner for his loss as well for all the others.
    People need to see this as a reminder as well as being enjoyed as an Art form


    1. thank you Bill. Appreciated.

  25. you did an awesome job on this peace Linda and John are family to me and i can feel the devastation they must have felt from you excellent photography of the after math thanks for this wonderful story you have told it very well

    1. Hi Marilyn. That’s wonderful to hear. It was an assignment like no other I have ever done, so I appreciate your support.

  26. Finding some beauty in such a devastating situation isn’t easy but you have done a beautiful job of it Chris……I wish the Foreman family all the best and all those affected.

    1. Thank you so much Kim. They will appreciate reading your words of good wishes.

  27. craniosacralunwinding says: Reply

    Very moving. I sat for a long while and pondered a word that could express what I saw, felt and experienced when I viewed your newsletter. The word, for me is – ‘Namaste’ which actually means, ” the acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another”.

    1. Namaste to you too Karen. I so appreciate your heart felt thoughts and feelings.

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