Visual Narrative #057: Bridge River Glacier~Part I

VN #057: Bridge River Glacier ~ Part I
Posted January 5, 2025


Bridge River Glacier ~ Part I

Continued from VN #056

 5:19 am

On the first morning I was up early, setting off along a lateral moraine in the dark with a headlamp for light.

5:21 am

My timing was perfect. I was able to get high up on the moraine with a good perspective overlooking the lake crammed with icebergs. With my tripod I had plenty of light to photograph.

5:47 am

As the sunrise matured and the colours began to saturate, I was busy moving my tripod and changing lenses. I was seeking new compositions as fast as I could. Time was of the essence.

5:52 am

As the sky entered the water, I worked as hard and fast as I could; one composition after another, while constantly changing lenses.

It was then I broke one of my cardinal rules; letting my excitement get the best of me, I lost my calm. While changing lenses as quickly as possible, I dropped one, and then watched as it tumbled down the rocky moraine towards the lake.

I took note of where it ended up and kept photographing. I still had three lenses left.

Later, I retrieved the lens, but it was cracked and broken. ‘Better the lens than me’ I thought!

5:53 am

Worth more than any lens, was standing here alone on this rocky moraine, watching planetary hues changing by the second, and feeling the emotional current that was running through me.

6:13 am

Within the 54 minutes of making the above images, you have seen why I feel it is a privilege to be a photographer.

Getting up at 5:00 am to spend 54 minutes of a 1,440-minute day photographing the blessing of each day is why I say in my website’s artist’s statement; “Hauling my camera gear has always been worth the effort. Live life with passion.”

As my friend and poet, John O’Donohue wrote: “When the soul is alive to beauty we begin to see life in a fresh and vital way.”


In the narratives to follow, I will share more visual adventures as we explore the Bridge River Glacier.


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