VN #036: Churn Creek Canyon
Posted August 11, 2024
Churn Creek Canyon
A gallery of sculptural masterpieces
Churn Creek Canyon
The Churn Creek Canyon lies in the heart of British Columbia’s grassland ecosystem. It’s where the deep impassable canyon walls intersect with the high plateau grasslands which are open for all those with the spirit to walk them.
By carrying my camera with the intent of exploring the land and seeking its most magnificent hidden treasures, I have learned how to live on this earth. With photographs I share this experience with you.
A canyon where nature’s forces have sculpted a work of art
A closer and more detailed look at the Churn Creek sculpture
A still closer look reveals sculptural intricacies
Where’s Mike?
To photograph Churn Creek canyon, my friend Mike Duffy and I descended the spine of each ridge for a new and exciting perspective. It was one of my most memorable days of photography; adventuresome, riveting, and breathtaking. We were always feeling on the edge; exciting!
Our vista at lunch break
As we sat having lunch, we were deeply aware that Churn Creek was one of the world’s hidden treasures; an art gallery of sculptural masterpieces.
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