A Visit to Shearwater – 2013
In October, the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association held its annual AGM in the beautiful coastal community of Shearwater. Most of the participants had never been to Shearwater, and some were even heard complaining or wondering why it was being held in such a remote location.
As I had the good fortune of having my partner along who could attend most meetings, I set out to explore with my camera. What I discovered was one of the most historically interesting, charming and photogenic little towns in the whole region.
I’d like to share a few images I made during our two day stay.
Leaving Bella Coola at dawn
We stopped at Ocean Falls to explore the now abandoned town
There was a sense of eeriness as I peeked into the living room
The Shearwater town square
My most exciting discovery was the shipyard
Here I photographed old ship hulls, attempting to capture their ancient story
Looking at these old ship hulls was like visiting an art gallery
In the afternoon we headed off in the fog and rain to explore the surrounding coastline
The coastal rainforest
It was a day to be thankful for lighthouses
The rain stopped, the mist rose, and the warm evening light appeared
It was mystical and enchanting
We stopped for crab…one escaped!
Underwater sea life
It was dark on the way home. Everyone was inside except Geoff and I who decided to have fun!
This image was made in darkness. The fishing boat we passed had its lights on
Day two arrived sunny and clear
The Shearwater wharf at dawn
I returned once again to my favourite place; the shipyard
Old ship with history….
….and in need of repairs!
Old wooden hull. Beautiful shape
Rope composition
Back to the “Shipscapes Art Gallery”. I wrote about this image in my last Newsletter
Shearwater resort in the evening light
Before going to the bar, I photographed the wharf in the quiet of night
All was peaceful that night on the central coast
Thanks to Amy Thacker and the CCCTA for choosing Shearwater and the central coast for their AGM. It was a wonderful way to bring awareness and appreciation to the beauty and diversity of our wonderful region.
I was so impressed with the area that I am now offering a BC Coast photo tour this summer with Leonard Ellis of BC Grizzly Tours. I can’t wait to further explore the wonders of the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast.