Newsletter No. 41: December 2008
© Chris Harris. All rights reserved.
© Chris Harris. All rights reserved.
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1. Merry ChristmasFrom all of us to all of you, Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday.
The midwinter pleasures for us are simple; a meal shared with family or friends; a good book by a cozy fire; a walk together with the dog; or a cross-country ski through the rolling Cariboo countryside. For all of you, wherever you may live, we wish health, friendship and peace.
We are very pleased to announce that Teresa has officially joined the team here at the Gallery. This will allow both Rita and I to spend more time in the field, photographing for the Volcanic book project.
Blessings to all.
Chris, Rita and her daughter Teresa
2. In Appreciation
In this Newsletter I have chosen three images to share with you as my way of saying ‘thank you’ and to express my sincere appreciation to all my Newsletter subscribers; to all of you who have responded to these Newsletters with emails of encouragement and inspiration; and to everyone around the world who has supported me and my work. Sales of the book Spirit in the Grass (now in second edition) have surpassed my wildest dreams and the number of visitors and print sales here at the Gallery have also increased steadily over the past five years. It’s all amazing to me.
I feel grateful to be a photographer, to live in this part of the world, and to be able to share my passion with so many people. Exploring and photographing this land enriches my spirit and to be able to share that feeling through the creative processes of making imagery and publishing books is to me ‘living the dream’. In order to do this I have the loving support of my partner Rita, along with so many friends and family who share with and inspire me in so many different ways. I am deeply appreciative.
This summer I explored a part of British Columbia that is seen by few and trod by fewer still. Whether snow, hail, rain or sunshine (I had it all!), the ultimate weather and light conditions seemed to appear for each location. By just being there and by being available, I was placed to receive what I could never have expected. The images you see here are not about where, what or how. They are visual gifts from the Earth.
I learned from my father and other photographers such as Ernest Haas, Freeman Patterson and Jim Brandenburg. Now I am supported by family, friends, fellow artists and technical people. In return I try and help those who come to me for guidance and support with their photography. This Newsletter is one of those ways I enjoy ‘giving back’. Thank you.
3. What’s Happening at the Chris Harris Gallery
1. Diana Phillips Book Launch
Diana Phillips is the daughter of Pan Phillips, the early Chilcotin cattle rancher made famous in the book Grass Beyond the Mountains by Rich Hobson. If you enjoy local Cariboo-Chilcotin history, this is a must attend event at the Chris Harris Gallery. Diana will tell stories and read from her first book Beyond the Chilcotin: On the Home Ranch with Pan Phillips. Hearing the stories from Diana’s perspective should make for a fascinating evening.
December 13th at 7:30pm
Please call 250-791-6631 and let us know if you plan to attend. Seating is limited and we expect a full house.
Chris Harris Gallery
5577 Back Valley Road
2. Slide Presentations
Chris will present a series of slide shows at the Gallery over the Christmas Season. Come and hear the stories behind the images from his two latest books.
ALSO: Chris will give a short talk on his new upcoming book about the volcanoes of the Cariboo-Chilcotin. New images never before seen will be shown in an exciting slide-sound presentation.
December 12 & 13: Friday, December 12th at 7:00pm and Saturday, December 13th at 2:30pm, Chris will present The Bowron Lakes: A Lifetime Journey.
December 19th & 20th and January 3rd: Friday, December 19th at 7:00pm; Saturday, December 20th at 2:30pm; and January 3rd at 2:30pm.Chris will present Spirit in the Grass, from his latest book, which was nominated for two BC Book Prizes.
Please drop in to enjoy these, and bring friends and family who may be visiting. It’s a great way to share our beautiful region.
Take note that on the 13th you can catch Chris for a slide show in the afternoon and then come to Diana’s book event in the evening. All you need for a really great day is an early dinner reservation at your favourite restaurant!
3. Fashion Show
On January 17th at 7:00 p.m. the Chris Harris Gallery will be hosting a fashion show, featuring a designer new to the area: Krista Reich of Foliate Face Artworks. Krista will be here showing her wonderful historically-inspired and hand-crafted clothing and accessories for women and men.
This will be a most fun event. We will have the ‘bistro’ style set-up in the gallery, which we all love so much, with all the right snacks and beverages for a great time.
The ticket price, including refreshments, is $10, which can be reserved by calling the gallery at 791-6631.
Be sure to save some ‘me’ funds from all the Christmas extravaganza’s, because I know you will want to shop. Krista’s clothing designs are unusual, distinctive, and individual. She also does custom work, and orders will be taken (which I love because I’ve got two girls going to prom in the spring). I am a big fan of hers and promise you will be too. For a preview, take the look at her website.
To ask about any of these dates, or anything we can help with, please call us or drop us a note.
Please feel free to forward this to anyone for whom it may be of interest.
4. Gallery PrintsFull Moon over the Grasslands
Please drop by the Gallery at any time and see our new Giclée prints on canvas. We love the effect of seeing the texture of the canvas within the image as it enhances the painterly quality of many of the prints, chosen specifically for this treatment.
Christmas Season Opening Hours
November 15 to January 15
Thursday to Saturday, 12 to 5:00 p.m.
Other times: by appointment or by chance
4. Back-Yard ArtistRose Hip after Ice Storm
Yesterday we had an ice storm, so this morning I went out into the winter magic looking for another back-yard image. The treed areas were alive with sounds as the heavily weighed branches groaned and cracked. Feeling safer out in the open, it wasn’t long before the light brought my attention to a rose bush. I took out my macro lens, dropped to the ground, and disappeared into a wonderful world of ice coated rose hips. With aperture wide open, I found one composition after another. One of the most challenging aspects of macro photography is finding a subject with an uncluttered background. This is why I aimed my lens toward the sky. The result was unexpected as the ice picked up nuances of blue from a patch of clear sky nearby. After a delightful hour spent exploring a rose bush, this was my favourite image.